Massy Tadjedin

Birthplace: Orange County, California

Massy Tadjedin  (born 1978) is an Iranian-American screenwriter. Tadjedin was born in Tehran and grew up in Orange County, California, and studied English Literature at Harvard. Her movie credits include Leo (original screenplay, 2002) and The Jacket (adapted screenplay 2005). Tadjedin's directorial debut is Last Night, which stars Keira Knightley and Eva Mendes, and will be released May 6, 2011. Tadjedin resides in Los Angeles.

Massy Tadjedin  (born 1978) is an Iranian-American screenwriter.
Tadjedin was born in Tehran and grew up in Orange County, California, and studied English Literature at Harvard. Her movie credits include Leo (original screenplay, 2002) and The Jacket (adapted screenplay 2005).
Tadjedin's directorial debut is Last Night, which stars Keira Knightley and Eva Mendes, and will be released May 6, 2011.
Tadjedin resides in Los Angeles.


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